Scothuman Lifesciences | Ethamsylate & Tranexamic Acid-MENO-T, Best Derma Medicine For Pharma PCD Franchise On Monopoly Basis Direct From Manufacturer.
Packaging | 10X10 |
Product | MENO-T |
Speciality | Derma Medicine |
Brand | Scothuman Lifesciences |
Ethamsylate is an effective medicine that is used for the treatment of bleeding. This medicine is used to prevent or reduce the excessive amount of bleeding during menstrual periods or surgery. It helps to stop bleeding from small blood vessels or capillaries.
Most side effects do not require any medical attention. They will go with time. But if you are worried about the side effects which is persistent then consult your doctor straight away. Side effects are:-
Take this medicine as it is prescribed by the doctor. Swallow it as a whole medicine and try not to chew, break, or crush. Ethamsylate can be taken with or without food, but take it on time is much better.
Ethamsylate medicine works by increasing the ability of platelets to stick together and create blood clots.
Tranexamic Acid is used to restraint heavy menstrual bleeding. It is available as a brand-name drug called Menolate. This medicine needs a prescription by the doctor.
Some of the side effects are common and do not require any kind of medical attention. When your body gets used to it the side effects will go away. Side effects are:-
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